Written for musicians and non-musicians alike, this text analyses the work of master guitarist and singer João Gilberto. Having listened and played his music since he was sixteen years old, Fred Thomas deals with João’s influences, obsessions, musical values, singing style, guitar style, rhythmic language, samba, phrasing, harmony, sound, pronunciation….With tracks and musical examples as your guide, get deep into the music of Brazil’s undisputed musical god.
Volume 1 of the complete works of João Gilberto, in alphabetical order (A-C). Lead sheets of chord symbols (no melody or lyrics). Also includes a compendium of all the guitar voicings João Gilberto used in these songs and others (guitar notation not tab).
Table of Contents
1. Acapulco
2. Acontece Que Eu Sou Baiano
3. Adeus América
4. Aguas de Março
5. Amor Certinho
6. Aos Pés Da Cruz
7. Aquarela Do Brasil
8. Astronauta (Samba Da Pergunta)
9. Ave Maria No Morro
10. Bahia Com H
11. Bésame Mucho
12. Bim Bom
13. Boas Festas
14. Bolinha De Papel
15. Brasil Pandeiro
16. Brigas Nunca Mais
17. Caminhos Cruzados
18. Canta Brasil
19. Carinhoso
20. Carnaval da Vitoria
21. Casa Portuguesa
22. Chega De Saudade
23. Coisa mais Linda
24. Coração Vagabundo
25. Corcovado
26. Curare
27. Compendium of João Gilberto’s Guitar Voicings
Table of Contents
Sarabande No. 1 – English Suite No. 3, BWV 808
Sarabande No. 2 – English Suite No. 1, BWV 806
Sarabande No. 3 – English Suite No. 2, BWV 807
Sarabande No. 4 – French Suite No. 6, BWV 817
Sarabande No. 5 – English Suite No. 6, BWV 811
Sarabande No. 6 – French Suite No. 5, BWV 816
Sarabande No. 7 – Wir setzen uns mit Tränen nieder (St. Matthew Passion, Pt.2 No. 78), BWV 244
Sarabande No. 8 – Suite in A Major, BWV 832
Table of Contents
1. BWV 1079 The Musical Offering – Canon 1 a 2 (Cancrizans)
2. BWV 988 Goldberg Variations – Var. 7
3A. BWV 808 English Suite No. 3 – Gavotte I & II ou la Musette
3B. BWV 808 English Suite No. 3 – Gavotte I & II ou la Musette
4. BWV 830 Keyboard Partita No. 6 – Corrente
5. BWV 817 French Suite No. 6 – Polonaise
6A. BWV 1067 Orchestral Suite No. 2 – Battinerie
6B. BWV 1067 Orchestral Suite No. 2 – Battinerie
7. BWV 1012 Cello Suite No. 6 – Courante
8. BWV 855 The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1 – Prelude No. 10
9. BWV 988 Goldberg Variations – Var. 13
10. BWV 1079 The Musical Offering – Canon a 2 (Quaerendo invenietis)
11. BWV Ang. II 78 Partita ‘Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein’ – Var. No. 3
12. BWV 988 Goldberg Variations – Var. 27
13. BWV 850 The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1 – Prelude No. 5
14. BWV 811 – English Suite No. 6 – Gavotte II
Table of Contents
Sarabande No. 1 – English Suite No. 2 BWV 807
Sarabande No. 2 – English Suite No. 1 BWV 806
Sarabande No. 3 – English Suite No. 6 BWV 811
Sarabande No. 4 – French Suite No. 6 BWV 817
Sarabande No. 5 – Violin Partita No. 1 BWV 1002
Sarabande No. 6 – Wir setzen uns mit Tränen nieder – St. Matthew Passion BWV 244
Sarabande No. 7 – French Suite No. 5 BWV 816
Sarabande No. 8 – English Suite No. 3 BWV 808
Sarabande No. 9 – Aria, Goldberg Variations BWV 988
Sarabande No. 10 – Suite in A Major BWV 832
5 incredible Bach organ fugues arranged for string quartet. Includes score and parts.
Table of Contents
Fugue 1 – BWV 532
Fugue 2 – BWV 577
Fugue 3 – BWV 555
Fugue 4 – BWV 566
Fugue 5 – BWV 540
5 incredible Bach organ fugues arranged for string quartet. Includes score and parts.
Table of Contents
Fugue 1 – BWV 541
Fugue 2 – BWV 551
Fugue 3 – BWV 557
Fugue 4 – BWV 535
Vor Deinen Thron Tret Ich Hiermit – BWV 540
This edition offers a simple and clear method of how to deal practically with the rhythmic intricacies of the Medieval Ars Subtilior repertoire. With examples from notoriously difficult pieces such as ‘Le greygnour bien’, ‘Sus un fontayne’, ‘Sumite Karissimi’ and ‘Amour m’a le cuer mis’, musicians will be led through a pragmatic guide to how to feel (using both the mind and body) the complex rhythms of this remarkable repertoire, found in the Chantilly Codex and other Medieval manuscripts.
These overdubbed piano transcriptions can be heard on Fred Thomas’ ECM New Series album ‘Three or One‘.
Table of Contents
01. Cantata ‘Der Herr denket an uns‘ – Sinfonia (BWV 196)
02. Cantata ‘Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht mit deinem Knecht‘ – Aria ‘Wie zittern und wanken der Sünden‘ (BWV 105)
03. Cantata ‘Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten‘ – Aria (BWV 202)
04. Cantata ‘O heilges Geist und Wasserbad‘ Aria ‘Jesu, meines Todes Tod‘ (BWV 165)
5. Cantata ‘Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ‘ – Aria ‘Wie furchtsam wankten meine Schritte‘ (BWV 33)
Jazz leads sheets of the music of 19th Century German opera composer Richard Wagner, transcribed/transformed by Fred Thomas. Huge dramatic scenes are boiled down to discreet miniatures, each expressed on one or two sides of A4, ripe for improvisation.
Table of Contents
01. Prelude (Parsifal)
02.Wedding March (Lohengrin)
03. Overture (Tannhäuser)
04. Prelude to Act III (Tristan and Isolde)
05. Night Watchman’s Song (Die Meistersinger) 06.The Shepherd’s Song (Tristan und Isolde) 07. Klingsor (Parsifal)
08. Journey Over the Mountain (Siegfried)
09. Bells (Parsifal)
10. Forest Murmuring (Siegfried)
11. Beckmesser’s Song (Die Meistersinger)
12. Johannistag (Die Meistersinger)
13. Mime’s Complaint (Siegfried)
14. Underscoring (Siegfried)
15. Lausch (Tristan und Isolde)
All compositions by Richard Wagner (1813-1883)
Arranged by Fred Thomas
Recorded on the album ‘Dick Wag – A Tribute to Richard Wagner’ (buy here)
By Fred Thomas, feat. Benoît Delbecq (piano) & Ewan Bleach (reeds)
Lead sheets containing lyrics, melody and harmony, of Fred Thomas’ songs from his project The Beguilers (2012-2012)
Table of Contents
1. A Cradle Song (William Blake)
2. A Dream (William Blake)
3. Ask Me No More (Thomas Carew)
4. Early One Morning (Anon)
5. Fall, Leaves, Fall (Emily Brontë)
6. Gentle Lady (James Joyce)
7. He is a Stranger to Me Now (James Joyce)
8. I Hid My Love (John Clare)
9. I Laid me Down Upon a Bank (William Blake)
10. London (William Blake)
11. Love to Faults is Always Blind (William Blake)
12. Memories (James Joyce)
13. Mother, I cannot Mind my Wheel (Walter Savage Landor)
14. O Mistress Mine (William Shakespeare)
15. Rest, Sweet Nymphs (Francis Pilkington)
16. Take, O Take Those Lips Away (William Shakespeare)
17. Tara’s Halls (Thomas Moore)
18. The Birds (William Blake)
19. The Water’s Monotone (James Joyce)
All songs composed by Fred Thomas, 2010-2012
Exercises for the development of general technique, intonation, ear training and improvisation. The order of intervals goes from simple to complex, starting with the most consonant (unison) and ending with the most dissonant (tri-tone). Intervals are paired with their corresponding inverse, e.g. 5ths/4ths (shown by vertical lines with arrows), and taken through the circle of 5ths.
Examples from Western Classical Music of each interval are given.
A compendium of modes, mixed modes, octatonic scales, hexatonic scales derived from music from all over the world. Ideal for opening your ears and practising improvisation.