19 Songs from The Beguilers – Fred Thomas (lead sheets)

Lead sheets containing lyrics, melody and harmony, of Fred Thomas’ songs from his project The Beguilers (2012-2012)

Table of Contents

1. A Cradle Song (William Blake)
2. A Dream (William Blake)
3. Ask Me No More (Thomas Carew)
4. Early One Morning (Anon)
5. Fall, Leaves, Fall (Emily Brontë)
6. Gentle Lady (James Joyce)
7. He is a Stranger to Me Now (James Joyce)
8. I Hid My Love (John Clare)
9. I Laid me Down Upon a Bank (William Blake)
10. London (William Blake)
11. Love to Faults is Always Blind (William Blake)
12. Memories (James Joyce)
13. Mother, I cannot Mind my Wheel (Walter Savage Landor)
14. O Mistress Mine (William Shakespeare)
15. Rest, Sweet Nymphs (Francis Pilkington)
16. Take, O Take Those Lips Away (William Shakespeare)
17. Tara’s Halls (Thomas Moore)
18. The Birds (William Blake)
19. The Water’s Monotone (James Joyce)

All songs composed by Fred Thomas, 2010-2012