Dick Wag – A Tribute to Richard Wagner (Jazz Charts)

Jazz leads sheets of the music of 19th Century German opera composer Richard Wagner, transcribed/transformed by Fred Thomas. Huge dramatic scenes are boiled down to discreet miniatures, each expressed on one or two sides of A4, ripe for improvisation.

Table of Contents

01. Prelude (Parsifal)
02.Wedding March (Lohengrin)
03. Overture (Tannhäuser)
04. Prelude to Act III (Tristan and Isolde)
05. Night Watchman’s Song (Die Meistersinger) 06.The Shepherd’s Song (Tristan und Isolde) 07. Klingsor (Parsifal)
08. Journey Over the Mountain (Siegfried)
09. Bells (Parsifal)
10. Forest Murmuring (Siegfried)
11. Beckmesser’s Song (Die Meistersinger)
12. Johannistag (Die Meistersinger)
13. Mime’s Complaint (Siegfried)
14. Underscoring (Siegfried)
15. Lausch (Tristan und Isolde)

All compositions by Richard Wagner (1813-1883)
Arranged by Fred Thomas
Recorded on the album ‘Dick Wag – A Tribute to Richard Wagner’ (buy here)
By Fred Thomas, feat. Benoît Delbecq (piano) & Ewan Bleach (reeds)