This new duo play improvised compositions using prepared piano – bluetac, rubbers, pegs, coins, plectrums, mallets, and cymbals – filtered through live electronics. Their debut album, ‘Below the Blue Whale’, is out now in digital form on the Loop Collective label. Buy it here or to purchase a hard copy write to Fred Thomas here.


Fred Thomas – prepared piano

Alex Bonney – electronics

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“Music is everywhere. Countless radio stations pump it out 24/7. It sells cars, shampoo, drinks – even political parties. Music is always there to cover up a lull in the conversation; it soothes us on take-off and on landing, and it makes us feel good… or does it? Subconsciously we crave for something that goes much deeper: well-crafted, inspiring music with real emotional meaning.

Thankfully, each new generation is blessed with a few young people who embrace music as an art form. They explore, invent, discuss, rehearse, and live their music. What they create enriches and entertains the audience without patronising it.

The artists in the F-ire Collective will give you depth, inspiration, surprise, and above all, hope.”

– Django Bates

f-ire record label

This trio produced sounds that were a synthesis of Fred’s compositions and free improv, exploring those made possible by delving into the bowels of a grand piano – using bluetac, rubbers, pegs, coins, plectrums, mallets, and cymbals – and uniting these discoveries with the exquisite playing of Robin Fincker and Ben Bryant. Their E.P. ‘It’s Time’ came out in 2006 and was Fred Thomas’ first ever release.


Fred Thomas – (prepared) piano

Robin Fincker – clarinet

Ben Bryant – percussion


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